This Group (and subsequent ones) hosts a conversation exploring the implications of electracy (apparatus theory) for education in a civilization adapting to digital technologies. The conversation is first person, the posts are signed, offering my own acccount of how I encountered this question. There is no attempt to be prescriptive or make normative claims. Rather, each contributor to the conversation (whether here or in some other venue) explains how change looks from his or her vantage point.
You are recruited, solicited to be a consultant, to testify and give testimony with respect to Justice, whatever your personal experience of it will have been. We (heuretic subjects, EmerAgency egents) undertake the invention of electracy as an update of Justice for our epoch and apparatus. Electracy is not invented "in general." The prototype for our project is provided by Plato, founder of the first school (the Academy in Athens), one of the inventors of literacy. He is credited by the grammatologist Eric Havelock with inventing the first concept (the fundamental cognitive device of l
Jack Stenner's seminar in the Fine Arts College concluded with a lecture by Gregory Ulmer on the Fifth Estate. Ulmer used the film based on the actions of Julian Assange and Wikileaks as a point of departure for discussing the heuretics of electracy.
Return to the Colloquium at MIT Architecture organized by Mark Goulthorpe, with the topic this year "The Changing Status of Light." The virtue of visits to Boston -Cambridge is the presence of John Craig Freeman at Emerson College. Freeman and Ulmer consulted Friday afternoon (after the colloquium) with Rodanthi Vardouli related to her thesis (a Dada approach to design history and theory). Saturday, joined by Loudon Stearns, the FRE performed Theoria with visits to the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Minuteman Memorial, and Walden Pond.
Catching up on a some recent projects:
Gregory Ulmer collaborated with John Craig Freeman on an augmented reality eMorial, included in an exhibition of works by the group Manifest: AR, showing at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., August 14-September 1, 2013.
[fancy_link path="" type="default" | color="red" | class="additional classes"]School Shootings eMorial[/fancy_link]
I've been using Evernote for a while to keep notes on day-to-day activities, especially as I develop things. They used to provide RSS feeds of publicly accessible "notebooks" and I was going to just syndicate my dev notes here, but they've disabled RSS! Typical corporate behavior. They have a "community" now, so wall it off and mine it. Anyway, I'll just post here, directly, then...and dump Evernote.
Google Hangouts good setting for group conversation. Richard, Sergio, and Ulmer hung out for an hour or so the other night, in the context of Richard Smyth's course on Electracy for the Underacademy. Ulmer met Sergio at Clemson originally.
To open the probe, "Kettledrummer" (1940), a late work by Paul Klee culmination of a series of "drummer" paintings. The series alludes to an image that haunted Klee at the end of his life, the scene of Mozart on his death bed, delirious, gesturing as if playing the kettledrums of his "Requiem" Mass. Merleau-Ponty, in his final project, developed his phenomenological ontology with reference especially to Klee (even more than Cezanne). Merleau-Ponty cited Klee's diaries, from a passage that is the epitaph on Klee's tomb. "I cannot be grasped in the here and now. For I live just as well w