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"Gradiva," Andre Msson, 1939

From "Gradiva"

Posted on: Sun, 2014-05-18 01:40   By: glue

            Cavell's update of Plato's allegory from the Socratic dialogue to the film comedy of remarriage offers a convenient transition for our assignment-- an equivalent of the Republic, outlining an electrate relation among education, justice, and the city.


Posted on: Thu, 2013-08-15 13:04   By: glue

Catching up on a some recent projects:

Gregory Ulmer collaborated with John Craig Freeman on an augmented reality eMorial, included in an exhibition of works by the group Manifest: AR, showing at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., August 14-September 1, 2013.

[fancy_link path="" type="default" | color="red" | class="additional classes"]School Shootings eMorial[/fancy_link]

Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans

H'MMM Disciplines

Posted on: Sun, 2012-03-25 21:03   By: glue

Andy Warhol created the emblem appropriate for celebrating the H'MMM disciplines: Humanities + Movies Music Media.  Campbell's Soup's own motto could be included in the icon ("M'm! M'm! Good!"), suggesting how to enunciate the acronym ("the 'H'mmm! H'mmm! Good!' disciplines"). The "H" in "H'MMM" is distinguished, to reference the interjection "hmmm," which expresses a certain perplexity, pondering or thinking.  This is thinking about what is good, The Good (a transcendental category), hence, philosophy. 



Posted on: Sat, 2012-03-24 01:04   By: glue

To open the probe, "Kettledrummer" (1940), a late work by Paul Klee culmination of a series of "drummer" paintings.  The series alludes to an image that haunted Klee at the end of his life, the scene of Mozart on his death bed, delirious, gesturing as if playing the kettledrums of his "Requiem" Mass.  Merleau-Ponty, in his final project, developed his phenomenological ontology with reference especially to Klee (even more than Cezanne).  Merleau-Ponty cited Klee's diaries, from a passage that is the epitaph on Klee's tomb.  "I cannot be grasped in the here and now.  For I live just as well w