The heuretic project is to do for Electracy what Plato did for Literacy. The exercise is to propose a "text" to function as an allegory of our metaphysics, the way the Allegory of the Cave functioned in Plato's oeuvre. The proposed (found) electrate allegory is by Jana Sterbak.
Jana Sterbak
FRE lunch meeting at the Swamp. Agenda: Barbara Jo preliminary sketch for visualizing a dialectical image. How does a milieu trigger involuntary memory (transference events)? Revelle first mapped the epiphany system coordinating her childhood region (Pleasant Lake, Lost Lodge, Skeeversville) with the Miami River zone (documented and theorized in Miami Virtue). This choral evention is updated to include the Stephen Foster neighborhood in Murphy's Well-Being.
Andy Warhol created the emblem appropriate for celebrating the H'MMM disciplines: Humanities + Movies Music Media. Campbell's Soup's own motto could be included in the icon ("M'm! M'm! Good!"), suggesting how to enunciate the acronym ("the 'H'mmm! H'mmm! Good!' disciplines"). The "H" in "H'MMM" is distinguished, to reference the interjection "hmmm," which expresses a certain perplexity, pondering or thinking. This is thinking about what is good, The Good (a transcendental category), hence, philosophy.