Catching up on a some recent projects:
Gregory Ulmer collaborated with John Craig Freeman on an augmented reality eMorial, included in an exhibition of works by the group Manifest: AR, showing at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., August 14-September 1, 2013.
[fancy_link path="http://johncraigfreeman.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/school-shootings-emorial-manifest-ar/" type="default" | color="red" | class="additional classes"]School Shootings eMorial[/fancy_link]
Ulmer's essay, "Electracy: The Internet As Fifth Estate," was published in the Journal of Pedagogic Development, (U of Bedfordshire) Vol 3, July 2013. The essay uses the FRE "Miami Virtue" project as an example of arts research (heuretics) contributing to the invention of electracy as an apparatus of digital technologies. The timing of this essay is good, since in October a film entitled The Fifth Estate opens. This film, already being touted as in the genre of Zero Dark Thirty, dramatizes the work of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the general theme of infoWestern.
[fancy_link path="http://www.beds.ac.uk/learning/professional-development/jpd/volume-3-issue-2/electracy-the-internet-as-fifth-estate" type="default" | color="red" | class="additional classes"]Journal of Pedagogic Development[/fancy_link]
Meanwhile, Ulmer's essay "Flash Reason" is included in the CyberText Yearbook, 2013, guest-edited by Cynthia Haynes and Jan Rune Holmevik.
[fancy_link path="http://cybertext.hum.jyu.fi/index.php?browsebook=9" type="default" | color="red" | class="additional classes"]Flash Reason[/fancy_link]