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Collective Intelligence

Ecology Diagram

Target (E-CATTt)

Posted on: Sun, 2015-03-08 19:18   By: glue

Heuretics as logic of invention does not jump to conclusions, but assumes that the method (poetics, discourse) does not yet exist and must be designed and tested.  Using the CATTt generator to guide our proposals for electrate education, we will introduce each resource dimension separately, before exploring their synergy as a unit.  A good point of departure is Target, establishing the contemporary circumstances calling for fresh thinking.  The MIT Recommendations outline a plan of desired innovations that correlate concisely with apparatus projections.  The most relevant proposals document

Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans

H'MMM Disciplines

Posted on: Sun, 2012-03-25 21:03   By: glue

Andy Warhol created the emblem appropriate for celebrating the H'MMM disciplines: Humanities + Movies Music Media.  Campbell's Soup's own motto could be included in the icon ("M'm! M'm! Good!"), suggesting how to enunciate the acronym ("the 'H'mmm! H'mmm! Good!' disciplines"). The "H" in "H'MMM" is distinguished, to reference the interjection "hmmm," which expresses a certain perplexity, pondering or thinking.  This is thinking about what is good, The Good (a transcendental category), hence, philosophy.