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Theorizing EmerAgency.
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Introduction to the heuretics of electrate consulting
2 Prospectus
by glue
2012-04-23 21:41
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What topics (topoi) were to literacy, chora is to electracy: writing with all discourses simultaneously (multiplicity).
14 Gamescape (Serres 2)
by jcfreeman
2012-09-02 13:31
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Apparatus heuretics includes the invention of identity behaviors and practices, individual and collective, associated with undergoing the new conditions of embodiment in a digital world. What are the equivalents of literate "self" and "state" in electracy?
2 Love (Troubadours)
by glue
2012-07-25 22:11
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The Ancient Institution of Theoria combined features of traveling to see the sights and critical inquiry. EmerAgency consulting retrieves this institution as a relay for choragraphy.
3 Avant-Tour
by glue
2012-11-18 18:10
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Appiphany supports a practice in which egents experience (undergo) the networked interdependence of striving to improve one's life with collective disaster.
8 The Lesson So Far...
by glue
2012-07-26 16:40
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The Writing of the Disaster. Konsult moderates a Copernican revolution in consulting: we do not explain the disaster; the disaster explains us.
1 Accidance
by glue
2012-05-23 17:31
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Modularity is one way to manage the complexity of apparatus heuretics: Each module identifies a particular service unit relevant to konsult.
6 Sign Zero (Blank; Neutre)
by glue
2013-02-27 03:10
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Review and synthesis of previous consultations.
1 Popcyle, Mystory, Choragraphy
by glue
2012-05-04 17:32
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Creating a poetics for a genre with which to communicate electrate consulting practices.
1 Survol (outline)
by glue
2012-06-01 16:00
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Heuretics of ubiquitous computing: theoretical, practical, technical.
7 Murphy's Well-Being iPhone app
by jstenner
2013-07-17 21:46
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The design and testing of a global electrate wisdom practice.
0 n/a
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EmerAgency consulting supports citizen participation in community deliberation respecting the articulation of public "problems" and the democratic process of their resolution.
3 Hedonics
by jcfreeman
2012-08-09 20:47
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