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Tesla monument

Apparatus Love Channel

Posted on: Thu, 2015-04-30 16:48   By: glue

Invited by Loss Glazier to lecture in the Electronic Poetry Center series, SUNY at Buffalo, Ulmer and his host took a side trip to Niagara Falls.  The Tesla monument commemorated an event in the history of electricity, but perhaps most significant in the context of Konsult is the fact that the first Superfund Site, Love Canal, is located nearby.  The topic of the lecture was Murphy's Well-Being, the interactive installation version of Konsult on the Cabot-Koppers Superfund site in Gainesville, FL.  The organizing theme, looking forward to MWB-2 (in progress), was "vectoral sense" -- alludin

Colloquium: DesignTechnology (Fit)

Posted on: Mon, 2014-10-13 22:22   By: glue
Mark Goulthorpe invited Ulmer to lecture to the colloquium for first-year graduate students in the Design program at MIT. The topic this year is "DesignTechnology." The agenda included a lunch meeting with Rodanthi Vardouli, an afternoon conversation with a graduate seminar, and an extended "Happy Hour" brainstorm on HypoSurface as an experiment in pure electracy. The unifying thread was the importance of heuretics (logic of invention) for electracy.

Thesis Preparation Seminar (MIT)

Posted on: Mon, 2014-03-17 00:34   By: glue

Gregory Ulmer collaborated with Mark Goulthorpe on the seminar for students at MIT preparing to write the Master's Thesis in Architecture.  Rodanthi Vardouli (TA for the seminar) participated in the collaboration, whose purpose was to explore the possibilities of heuretics as a resource for seminar pedagogy, and beyond that, for the design of an original thesis.  The semester included three Skype lectures (links below).

On Heuretics

[youtube url=""][/youtube]


On Mystory

Apophatic Design

Posted on: Thu, 2013-10-24 15:30   By: glue

Return to the Colloquium at MIT Architecture organized by Mark Goulthorpe, with the topic this year "The Changing Status of Light." The virtue of visits to Boston -Cambridge is the presence of John Craig Freeman at Emerson College.  Freeman and Ulmer consulted Friday  afternoon (after the colloquium) with Rodanthi Vardouli related to her thesis (a Dada approach to design history and theory). Saturday, joined by  Loudon Stearns, the FRE  performed Theoria with visits to the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Minuteman Memorial, and Walden Pond.

John Craig Freeman (Skype image)


Posted on: Sat, 2013-06-15 12:32   By: glue

Skype conference with Craig Freeman, discussing our collaboration on an essay documenting konsult experimentation with augmented and mixed reality.  Freeman participates in collaborations with several colleagues, including with ManifestAR, Will Pappenheimer (among others).  The first topic of discussion was the essay for the collection edited by Vladimir Geroimenko, Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium, (Springer publishers), with entries by Todd Margolis, Naoko Tosa, Sander Veenhof, Will Pappenheimer, Rod Berry, Andrew Burrell, Mark Skwarek, Partric

Skype view

Skype Clemson

Posted on: Wed, 2013-04-24 16:06   By: glue

Jan Holmevik's seminar at Clemson this semester correlated with Ulmer's seminar at UF on Ubimage (heuretics of ubiquitous computing). Tuesday evening I dropped in on Jan's class via Skype, to answer some questions about Avatar Emergency, especially concerning Konsult (the writing of the disaster).

Barbara Jo Revelle and Jack Stenner

Planning Choragraphy

Posted on: Thu, 2013-02-07 14:50   By: glue

FRE lunch meeting at the Swamp.  Agenda:  Barbara Jo preliminary sketch for visualizing a dialectical image.  How does a milieu trigger involuntary memory (transference events)?  Revelle first mapped the epiphany system coordinating her childhood region (Pleasant Lake, Lost Lodge, Skeeversville) with the Miami River zone (documented and theorized in Miami Virtue).  This choral evention is updated to include the Stephen Foster neighborhood in Murphy's Well-Being.