Apparatus Love Channel
Invited by Loss Glazier to lecture in the Electronic Poetry Center series, SUNY at Buffalo, Ulmer and his host took a side trip to Niagara Falls. The Tesla monument commemorated an event in the history of electricity, but perhaps most significant in the context of Konsult is the fact that the first Superfund Site, Love Canal, is located nearby. The topic of the lecture was Murphy's Well-Being, the interactive installation version of Konsult on the Cabot-Koppers Superfund site in Gainesville, FL. The organizing theme, looking forward to MWB-2 (in progress), was "vectoral sense" -- alluding to the French choral word of sens, meaning both "sense" and "direction." Ulmer's application of vectoral sense to choragraphy, as relevant to mapping attraction-repulsion as the dynamic axis native to electracy, drew upon such modernist artists as Gauguin and Klee, in addition to the philosophy of Heidegger and Derrida, extended by Bernard Cache to the fold in Architecture. Upon returning to Gainesville, in a meeting with Thomas Storey (FRE), Ulmer learned that Ken Wark discusses vectoral sense in Telesthesia, albeit coming from a different background and context. Wark lends major support justifying the vectoral as a dimension to be explored further in MWB-2 and Konsult in general as the genre of pedagogy for collective agency.
Apparatus Love (Video of the Lecture)